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Polyrhachis wolfi Forel,1912 (渥氏多刺蚁, 台湾地区:渥氏棘蚁)

└·生物分类系统(Biota By Systema Naturae)
                └·渥氏多刺蚁(Polyrhachis wolfi)
Found in Taiwan of China.

图注: 渥式多刺蚁头面图, Zach Lieberman摄,from AntWeb.org

图注: 渥式多刺蚁侧面图, Zach Lieberman摄,from AntWeb.org

图注: 渥式多刺蚁背面图, Zach Lieberman摄,from AntWeb.org

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[5] Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden.Report of a Rapid Biodiversity Assessment at Yangchun Baiyong Nature Reserve, Southwest Guangdong, 3 May 1998.South China Forest Biodiversity Survey Report Series.2002.5.8-9.

[6] Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden.Report of Rapid Biodiversity Assessments at Dinghushan Biosphere Reserve, Western Guangdong, 1998 and 2000.South China Forest Biodiversity Survey Report Series.2002.7.15-17.

[7] Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden.Report of Rapid Biodiversity Assessments at Nonggang National Nature Reserve,Southwest Guangxi, China, 19 to 27 May 1998.2002.10:19-21.

[8] Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden.Report of Rapid Biodiversity Assessments at Maoershan Nature Reserve,Northeast Guangxi,China,1998 and 2001.South China Forest Biodiversity Survey Report Series.2002.16.

[9] Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden.Report of a Rapid Biodiversity Assessment at Diaoluoshan National Forest Park, Southeast Hainan, China, 23-28 May 1999.South China Forest Biodiversity Survey Report Series.2002.23.

[10] Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden.Report of Rapid Biodiversity Assessments at Wuzhishan Nature Reserve, Central Hainan,China, 1999 and 2001.South China Forest Biodiversity Survey Report Series.2003.24.

[11] Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden.Report of Rapid Biodiversity Assessments at Shiwandashan National Nature Reserve and National Forest Park, Southwest Guangxi,China,2000 and 2001.South China Forest Biodiversity Survey Report Series.2003.35.

[12] 林宗岐.吴文哲.台湾蚂蚁相(膜翅目:蚁科),并附亚科与属检索表.台湾博物馆年刊.2003.46:5-69.

[13] Terayama.A synopsis of the family Formicidae of Taiwan(Insecta,Hymenoptera).The research bulletin of Kanto Gakuen University.2009.17:81-266.

[14] 冉浩, 周善义. 2013. 中国蚁科昆虫名录——蚁型亚科群(膜翅目:蚁科)(Ⅲ). 广西师范大学(自然科学版). 31(1): 104-111.


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