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Polyrhachis vigilans F. Smith,1858 (警觉多刺蚁, 台湾地区:城堡棘蚁)

└·生物分类系统(Biota By Systema Naturae)
                └·警觉多刺蚁(Polyrhachis vigilans)
原城堡多刺蚁(Polyrhachis pyrgops)确定为 Polyrhachis vigilans 的次异名,已撤销。


有文献将 Polyrhachis vigilans 译为“大眼多刺蚁”,大概就是沿用了对“pyrgops”这个词的翻译,只是将“塔眼”改为了“大眼”。



图注: 警觉多刺蚁头面图, Estella Ortega摄,from AntWeb.org

图注: 警觉多刺蚁侧面图, Estella Ortega摄,from AntWeb.org

图注: 警觉多刺蚁背面图, Estella Ortega摄,from AntWeb.org

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[13] Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden.Report of a Rapid Biodiversity Assessment at Diding Headwater Forest Nature Reserve, West Guangxi, China, July 1999.South China Forest diodiversity Survey Report Series.2003.26.

[14] Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden.Report of Rapid Biodiversity Assessments at Chebaling National Nature Reserve, Northeast Guangdong, China, 1999, 2000 and 2001.South China Forest Biodiversity Survey Report Series.2003.32.

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